Depart from your preferred airport and arrive in Anchorage, AK. Prior to arriving, you will need to book your flight from Anchorage to Kenai, AK. Our current preferred companies for these flights are Grant Aviation or Kenai Aviation. If you call them, they are very helpful and will assist you with purchasing the proper flight based on your arrival time in Anchorage. These flights are affordable, recently priced around $145. The flight to Kenai is roughly 20 minutes and offers breathtaking scenery. An Alaska Steelhead Co. host will be there to greet you upon your arrival to the Kenai airport! While in Kenai, we make a quick stop at the liquor store and/or pick up anything our guests forgot to pack. You and your host will then make the scenic 45 minute drive to the lodge and cabins.
Day 1 Early Arrival (Optional):
(Optional) Early arrival in Anchorage is for our guests that want to fish the arrival day, see Anchorage, have friends to visit, or have too far to travel in one day, thus making it easier to split up the travel over 2 days by staying in Anchorage for a night. You are then able to take an early flight the next morning out of Anchorage to Kenai, enabling you to get a full or half-day of fishing in when you arrive!
Day 2 (Standard Trip):
Day 2 arrival is for guests that have no interest in arriving early. All we ask is that you your flight itinerary allows you to be in Kenai by 5pm at the latest. Keep in mind that flights to Anchorage sometimes arrive early and if you can get to baggage claim and get your bags quickly, you may be able to make an earlier flight to Kenai – IF seating is available. After arriving in Kenai we will make a stop at the liquor store, pick up any items that guests forgot to pack, and head to the lodge. Appetizers are at 4:30pm and Dinner is at 6:30. Check in is at 3pm unless you plan to hire a guide for your arrival day. You will need to book you flight to Kenai around 8am in order to fish the arrival day.
Day 3 – 7 :
Guests will enjoy five full days of guided fishing, relaxation and local Alaskan cuisine at out 5 star lodge. Fishing itinerary will vary as it is dependent upon the guest’s expectations, weather, ability, and fishing conditions.
Day 8 Departure:
After breakfast, you will be driven back to the Kenai Airport by an Alaska Steelhead Co. host to catch your flight back to Anchorage. Check out is at 9am. Please make flight arrangements to allow for plenty of time in Anchorage to make your return flight home. Or, if guests arrange for an evening flight out of Anchorage, guests are able to book a full or half day of fishing before being transferred to the Kenai Airport.